PR. Digital. Social

PR. Digital. Social

FMCG Product Launch Management

Every single week we’re working on the launch of a new product – it’s our bread and butter and we’ve done it enough times to know exactly what works and what’s a waste of time.

We can tell you where your budget is best spent to achieve the biggest bang for buck. We can also help to crystallise your messaging and positioning around the product USPs, then turn the messaging into compelling content that resonates with social media users, influencers, journalists and other industry stakeholders.

We take a PR lens to the social media rollout; earning the eyeballs to establish the new product in the hearts and minds of consumers in a way that is completely integrated across traditional and social media to achieve consistency and a perfectly orchestrated launch across press, influencers and the broader social media community.

Once we have exhausted all earned marketing tactics we then focus on continuing to support the product launch with advertising that is based on content that outperformed organically as well as dedicated advertising through a complex matrix of messages that speaks to a variety of audiences, each in a customised way that makes sense to them.

Then we report, often touting an ROI of more than 75:1 due to a powerful combination of earned and paid media, partnerships and social content.

We know that magic formula to get the best possible reach and resonance on the smallest possible budget.

Let us know what you love about your new product, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Maximising Impact: Strategic FMCG Product Launches

As a specialist product launch agency we know that the first 12 weeks of a product launch is live-or-die, especially in the FMCG industry, so we make sure that our launches are quick out of the gates.
We put everything into that first month in-store to make sure the product flies. First we deliver a solid media campaign to give journalists the ‘new news’, followed by organic social media marketing and advertising.

Given the lead times of long lead press, we work 4-5 months out from launch gearing up step by step towards a very big few weeks where it all comes together.

On the social media front some content is filmed in advance through carefully curated shoots, where other content is on-the-go once the product lands as we twist and turn reacting to the social media landscape and the community’s response to the product. It’s a combination of long term planning paired with short term responding in-the-moment which all leads to a multitude of messaging to build out each of brand’s strands.

Our Product Launch Services

Public Relations
Social Media Management + Advertising
Influencer Partnerships
Digital Marketing Campaigns
Launch Strategy Development
Event Planning and Execution
Branding and Packaging Design

Crafting Launch Strategies That Make Waves

We pair a bulletproof combination of PR, social media and digital marketing to ensure the FMCG product launch that we’re working on not only enters the market but dominates it.

We balance customer insights with forward thinking innovation to talk to consumers in a way that they really ‘get’ and in a place where they ‘are’.

Whether that’s TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook, we’re there with customised messaging for each different platform, and each different consumer group, in a way that really speaks to the individual.

From Concept to Consumer: Your Brand Experience Agency

We’re often asked when in the product launch journey should an agency be briefed and our answer is always as early as possible. We have a keen eye for the next opportunity given our work in social media at the pointy end of the consumer funnel. A good PR agency also brings an earned media lens to NPD, in a way that’s almost a litmus test for the broader market. If you can convince a journalist, then you can convince a consumer. We can help our clients to navigate market challenges and seize opportunities FAST for maximum impact.

Transforming Visibility into Value

When it comes to carefully orchestrated product launches strategic visibility is critical. Our organised approach works to garner attention and convert it into measurable business growth, supported by data-driven insights and en pointe messaging.

FAQs: Navigating Your Launch Questions

How long does a typical project launch take?

Four – six months is the minimum amount of time required to meet media lead times and develop enough quality content that you’re poised to go large in those first few critical weeks in-store.

How much budget should I allocate to a new product launch?

Given our vast product launch experience we’re skilled at making every single dollar stretch, so we can customise our activations to suit a range of budgets. However, with an average ROI of 75:1 the more money you invest in the launch the more sales you’ll get back, so why wouldn’t you invest as much as possible?

What does a typical product launch look like?

No two launches are the same, given the amount of attention we pay to the brand and its unique consumer groups, however we can pretty much guarantee you that there will be a content shoot, a solid social media management and advertising strategy, an influencer outreach campaign, and a sharp media release.

The product launch journey is one where the client holds the keys but the agency does the work. All approvals are adhered to for company signoff, however we won’t lie, we do like to push the envelope somewhat in order to make the content, and therefore the brand, as human as possible, so brace yourself for a few interesting chats with the board, we can help with that.