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PR. Digital. Social

PR. Digital. Social

Marketing as we know it is changing at a rate of knots with all eyes on the little screen as we experience the most competitive grab for attention ever. The attention is getting shorter by the second – literally down to 7 seconds with that first 1 second determining whether the post goes viral or not.

This changing environment is part of a fundamental shift that sees culture being defined by the users themselves. The need for brands to be more human has never been more evident.

Generation Z is seeking connection with brands at an incredibly deep level, wanting to know everything about the people behind the brand – who works there, what they do in the office, what they eat for lunch, how they come up with new products, what music the delivery driver listens to during his run… everything. They want to read customer reviews and go through a multitude of different brand touch points before the decision to purchase is made, and the name of the game is trust and transparency.

If your brand is still acting like a ‘company’ in 2024 then your socials will never resonate with this new breed of consumers. With Gen Z entering the main grocery set at 27 years of age, the time to be human is now.

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